Monday, March 13, 2006

Monday morning update

- Tonight on the Michael Coren Show, Ezra Levant is going to grace viewers with his presence for the full hour. This is going to be a must-see. If you think O'Reilly is a jackass, wait till you see this guy. Lerant holds a candle to no one on the measures of ego, obnoxious manner, and contempt for those who not only disagree with him but dare question him - and this, coming from a right-winger! 6 PM, Channel 25 in Ottawa (check your local listings).

- Ever wonder why married folks are more conservative than unmarrieds? See here.

- In the wake of the failed Dubai ports deal, California Republican congressman Duncan Hunter is planning on introducing legislation mandating that all critical infrastructure in the US be domestically-owned. This is just short-sighted, nativist thinking which may fly with the Pat Buchanan crowd but is a loss for all who believe in an open economy. This plan doesn't send a good signal because it basically puts limits on the American dream. I hope and expect that Hunter's plan will be quashed.

- Is there a method to Russia's madness? Lee Harris seems to think they are trying to play the role of honest broker, but I'm not so sure. I wouldn't trust Putin with my dog (and I don't even have one).


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