Thursday, March 09, 2006

Roll up the rim to lose at life

Here in Canada, our Tim Horton's coffee chain has a massively popular promotion that they run every spring called "Roll Up the Rim to Win". After purchasing a coffee, you can roll up the rim of one of Tim's paper cups to win free donuts, TVs, vacations, or the grand prize, which is a new SUV.

In Quebec, a storm is brewing over two girls whose parents each believe that they have the right to a winning cup with an SUV prize after one asked another for help in rolling up the rim when the first found a discarded and unrolled up in the garbage. Now, even the teacher at the school who claims ownership of the discarded cup is saying that the truck should belong to him.

If I were Tim Horton's, I'd say to hell with the whole lot of ya. To the teacher, you obviously didn't care enough about the potential to win if you threw it in the garbage in the first place. To the first girl, let this be a lesson: you shouldn't be picking up stuff from the garbage anyways. And to the second girl, well, you may not be a little jerk, but your parents sure are.

The damn truck should just be donated to the school's auto shop class.


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