New poll shows Conservatives inching towards majority territory
According to the Strategic Counsel, the Tories are at 37%, the Liberals at 29%, the NDP at 15%, the Bloc at 13% and the Greens at 6%.
Things look good for Harper, but I don't expect these numbers to hold. Liberal fearmongering, character assassinations and smear tactics will start in earnest tonight with the debates, driving more NDP voters and lukewarm Tories into the Liberal camp. Moreover, Harper made an error Saturday when he mused about a majority and also said that lower income tax cuts would be cancelled immediately in favour of the Tory plan.
I expect that by the end of the week, the two major parties will be tied in the low 30s.
The Chretien government conducted program review as well.
I would think that any newly elected party would conduct a review of all programs.
It's reasonable to assume that they wouldn't be running to replace the current government if they thought everything was peachy keen.
Be sure to use the phrase "hidden agenda" in the pre-amble to your question.
I don't think job losses are on the horizon, but a re-allocation, definitely. For instance, if I was working for the Firearms Centre, I'd expect that I'd resurface somewhere else under a Tory government. The Red Tory wing of the party seems to have control these days, and we all know that Marjory LeBreton and Hugh Segal never saw an expansion of the public sector that they didn't like.
What's more important, in my view, is not job losses or wage freezes (if you're talented, you have nothing to worry about, right?) but the ability of white anglo saxon heterosexual males to be considered for promotion within the civil service even if their French is at an intermediate rather than advanced level.
Ask yourself this, though: By the rules, how many jobs do you qualify for that are internally posted either at your level or above?
I, too, have been fortunate but I have plateaued at 31 because of my profile. And if I wanted to "get in" to government from the outside without knowing someone? Forget it.
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