Question: Who said the following in reference to the Iraq effort being a "test"?
"It's a test for anyone who is not indifferent to the idea of a country of the size and importance of Iraq becoming Talibanized. That is not America's sole concern. I would like to think that no one could view that with indifference. But an amazing number of people do view it with indifference and/or take the other side -- and I spend a lot of my time trashing them."
If you answered me, good try, but you're wrong.
I'm not that articulate.
It was Christopher Hitchens.
Tell me you wouldn't love to down some Scotch and pull on some Cubans with this guy while picking his brain.
If you havent already, you should read Love, Poverty and War by him. It's a great read, some sharp insight on North Korea and Cuba. He has a chapter on Pakistan that ends with a most indelible foreshadowing.
Hitchens is tied very closely to Iraq, to him it's almost personal. Although I agree with him on post 9/11 world and Iraq his theatrics are a bit odd. I don't understand how a guy who blasts Regean and P. John Paul and is a raging drinker and atheist can go to bat repeatedly not only for Bush's FP but the man himself.
I agree with you on that. They broke the mold with Hitchens. What did he call Mother Theresa, the whore of Calcutta or something like that?
I think the difference between Hitch and a lot of others is that he doesn't confuse the issue of the war on terror with Bush the man. I have long said that so much of the opposition to Iraq is really opposition to Bush himself. He is so obviously Texan, unpolished, God-fearing, and flawed. In other words, the anti-Clinton.
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