Wednesday, January 11, 2006

CBC apologist, er, I mean analyst, shows her true colours

Is there anyone more loathsome than CBC newsworld "analyst" Carolyn Dunn?

This morning, she could hardly get the word "negative" out of her mouth as she referred to the Liberal ad which implies that Stephen Harper would send military troops into Canada's cities. She then said that the whole thing is much ado about nothing because the ad is not running in English Canada. Then, she also said that she had no idea what the Conservatives are referring to when she said that the Liberals tried to intimidate journalists into showing the ad. Obviously, she hasn't done her job because it's all over the Net this morning (see here). And finally, she dismissed the Tories as just as dirty as the Liberals for raising concerns about the falsehoods the ad in question implied about the military. All the while, her body language - stammering, blinking a lot, anxiously playing with her pen - screamed "Oh my God, how could this POSSIBLY be happening?"

(Perhaps she's afraid that under a Tory government, she'll no longer be in the running for $110K-plus per year jobs like the one her CBC Radio pal Susan Murray did when she became Scott Brison's Director of Comms and Liberal election attack dog.)

I don't mean to defend Harper with this post, but the blatant bias that she displayed this morning betrays any sense of "objectivity" on her part.


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