Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Year In Review - The Top 15 Newsmakers of 2005 - #7

In May, right before the budget vote, former Tory leadership contender, international trade critic and university dropout Belinda Stronach jumped to the Liberals. While saying it was to help reform the system post-sponsorship, no one in official Ottawa believed that, given that she was given a Cabinet post right away.

Less than a year after being elected, there was talk that she was going to quit politics altogether until she was talked into joining the Liberals by David Peterson. She also left her old boyfriend and caucus mate Peter Mackay who was apparently oblivious to her machinations.

As a Minister, her performance has been underwhelming so far to say the least, which is giving a lot of Liberals who felt a little passed-over by the whole deal some satisfaction. The race for her seat in Newmarket-Aurora will arguably be the most closely watched on election night this January. Her future prospects will obviously depend on whether or not she is able to retain her riding on Jan. 23.


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