Thursday, December 15, 2005

Movie Review: "The 40 Year Old Virgin"

This is the story of Andy, an earnest and likable guy who works at an electronics store. During a night of poker playing with the boys from work, he reveals a secret: he's never had sex. The rest of the movie is how Andy's buddies try to get him to forget about the false starts he's had in the past and develop a new attitude which will get him some much-needed action.

"The 40-Year Old Virgin" is in the same vein as "Road Trip" and "American Pie". There are a lot of funny characters who recurrently appear throughout the film and bring spice to the proceedings, like Andy's predatory boss, for example. If you are easily offended by locker-room humour or are politically correct in the least, this film is not for you. Since I'm not either of those two things, I loved it. Tons of foul language, some drug use (can anyone explain the smoking pot through an apple thing to me?) and lots of ball-busting. This is a great guy's movie and ladies who enjoy crude humour will like it, too.


Overall rating: 8/10


At 1:20 PM, Blogger Featherston said...

I enjoyed it. The poster (the image you are showing) makes me laugh just looking at it.

At 2:46 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great timing Hammer. I watched this flick last night. As a guy who's seen everything in the video store, this sleeper surpassed my expectations. This, especially given that the title seemed cheesy and off-putting and never drew me into the theatre. I agree that it has lots of humour and would compare it to Sideways, a coming-of-age story of 40-something men. Yes, 40-Year-Old has a serious foundation, which not only (to my relief) avoids a "Revenge of the Nerd/Porky's" cheesy focus on sex (the title notwithstanding); but also provides a glimpse into the 40-something woman's experience of renewing herself at a later age.

At 3:03 PM, Blogger Road Hammer said...

Excellent call on Sideways.


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