Choice in Childcare
A woman from Kemptville, Ontario by the name of Sara has organized a grassroots campaign to bring the attention of the powers-that-be to the needs of stay at home moms.
See here.
I think parenting is the most important job a person can have, and it's important to recognize that the one-size-fits-all bureaucracy of insitutionalized, unionized, government-run babysitting which operates only from the hours of 8 to 4 or 9 to 5 or whatever does not work for everyone.
I also really admire the efforts of one citizen to take action to raise awareness of an issue that she thinks is important in the face of establishment apathy, or antipathy, as the case may be. This is the political process at its best.
I think Sara deserves our admiration.
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This family chose to have a parent stay at home. That's the key element here: CHOICE. Some people don't want to give up a certain lifestyle to raise a kid. That's fine. Others do. That's cool, too. Both models involve a certain element of sacrifice, I'm sure, but it should be up to parents to be the ones to decide that for themselves rather than have to face the "you'd be a lot better off doing parenting the government's way" approach.
You make CHOICES and you live with 'em.
Even if a parent chooses to not use the government-run program, they still have to pay for it through their taxes ... so in effect they are coerced into funding a service that they would not choose for themselves.
They end up paying twice for child care, first by either giving up one income or by paying a family member, neighbour or whatever, and second, by paying for the state run system - which they are not using - through their taxes. They have no choice but to do so because it's mandatory.
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