Thursday, March 16, 2006

Thursday morning digest

- About 12 people staged a "die-in" yesterday to protest Colin Powell's speaking engagement in Toronto. Don't these folks have jobs?!? (H/T: Daifallah.)

- Irshad Manji is a great and courageous woman.

- A few thoughts on the difference, here.

- Here's a very thoughtful article on the damage caused by the soft bigotry of low expectations.

- Finally, if you still don't think that Canada has a role in Afghanistan after reading this ... well ... it's probably best to just leave that one be.


At 12:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was at the Powell speech yesterday. I saw maybe 7-8 protesters, with the "Powell lied, 100,000 died" placards and the orange jumpsuits and hoods. There were aslo a couple of people with a "hands off Haiti" sign. Not sure why...

I thought there would be many more protestors.


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