Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Republican lobbyist gets nabbed

Lobbyist Jack Abramoff has pleaded guilty to conspiracy, fraud and tax evasion after he was found using shady and underhanded tactics to push issues and legislation on behalf of his clients. This included junkets, expensive meals and tickets to sporting events like the Super Bowl for predominantly Republican congressmen and Senators in exchange for votes on Capitol Hill.

Note the difference between American and Canadian political cultures when pols are caught with their hands in the till. In America, like Diane Francis has said, they take you down and down hard. In Canada, we bitch about our politicians, then complain about having to go to the polls more than once every four years and support the crooks anyways just as long as our standard of living sees a year over year incremental increase. In the meantime, the guilty ones are sent on university lecture tours to talk about how corruption is bad.

Absolutely sickening to those of us who aspire to something better.


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