Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Wednesday digest

- If all goes according to the Prime Minister's plan, and quite frankly, I don't think it's going to, tax cuts will soon be incorporated into law in Canada. Could my much-hoped-for constitutional amendment limiting government spending at all levels to no more than a cumulative 20% of GDP be next?!? More seriously, perhaps the bloated US government could learn some lessons from its neighbour to the north.

- Some University of Ottawa law prof determines that some members of the Taliban "may" have been roughed up a bit by Canadian soliders while detained. Although there's no paper trail, it's front page news in the Globe and Mail.


- A reader of this blog recently contended that the show "24" was for conservatives. Perhaps it's for realists.

- I'm about to officially start referring to last week's UN "Summary for Policymakers" report on global warming as bogus. You may ask if I've even read it, and that's a fair question (I haven't), but why waste my time on this when the real thing comes out in two month?

- Excellent column right here which argues that this past weekend's Super Bowl marks the dawn of a new era.


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