Friday, February 02, 2007

Film Review: "The Queen" (2006)

"The Queen" takes place during the week immediately following the death of Princess Diana almost ten years ago, and portrays the stoicism of Buckingham Palace against the populism of newly-minted Prime Minister Tony Blair as the United Kingdom was reeling from the tragedy. The hapless Prince Charles is left to stand idly by as a grumpy Prince Phillip and boozy Queen Mother pile on the late Princess' memory, while Elizabeth herself must come to grips with the realization that Diana's passing provides a lightning rod for vocal Brits who believe that the institution she holds so dear is outdated and unnecessary.

Helen Mirren was born for this role, and it's a textbook example of how NOT to handle crisis communications. Bonus points to the writers for characterizing Lizzy as a bit of a redneck with her penchant for off-roading through the Scotland countryside.


Overall rating: 7.5/10


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