Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Wednesday digest II

- This afternoon, I'd like to pay tribute to a fellow who served his country well and took far more abuse than any man ever should by reprinting the all-time classic "Rumsfeld's Rules" for the tutelage and apprenticeship of those who aspire to leadership.


At 4:27 PM, Blogger Road Hammer said...

I was personally hoping that Lieberman would have been appointed, as a pro-war Jew at Defense would have pissed off both the terrorists and the far Left.

As it is, contrast the grace in defeat coming from the President nd the vulgar and off-color pile-on we're seeing from the likes of you two.

A key difference: generally speaking, when the GOP gets beat, it looks in the mirror and regroups, and when Dems get beat, they blame the voters for just being plain ol' stupid and not knowing what's best for them (except for the poor, inner-city ones who would have voted intelligently but are always somehow prevented from exercising their franchise because of the racist Republican machine).

This, in part, explains the lack of a coherent Democratic message for over 25 years.

It will be interesting to see what it is now that they have to shouler the burden of leadership rather than just simply oppose, oppose, oppose.

At 4:28 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You can't take away two Presidential election victories... like it or not, this doesn't change that.

At 4:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is it too early to start talking about a Tester-Schuler 2008 ticket?

At 9:15 PM, Blogger Road Hammer said...

What are you talking about, Libre? Negroponte is a career diplomat.

Good question I saw on another blog: since the GOP stole '00 and '04, they must have thrown this one, huh?

No other way to get rid of Rummy without looking like they're throwing him overboard, I suppose, but those topics are probably dealt with by the experts on such things. Chomsky should be chiming in any day now ...

At 10:16 PM, Blogger Road Hammer said...

Cuba, it's clear that the halls of academe have clouded your senses of reality, proportion and belief in one's own wisdom.

You'll come down from the rare air of the ivory tower some day once you demonstrate your uncanny and invaluable ability to see thirty or fifty years into the future to a prospective employer.

At 10:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I seriously doubt he'll find an employer...

At 8:30 AM, Blogger Road Hammer said...

Now we know where to turn when unsure about the spiritual nuances and intricacies of Islam, plainly obvious though they might be.

At 9:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are going to call someone a dumb arrogant prick I suggest you spell arrogant correctly.

Rummy is in fact is genius, unfortunately he became a senile genius.

At 4:50 PM, Blogger Road Hammer said...

So a congressman, one new hire at the FBI and an former employee from the Bureau equate to "most of the US government"?

Jon Stewart ... apparently not JUST the "fake" news, but now also offering "fake" opinion.

At 7:32 PM, Blogger Road Hammer said...

Look where attention to details got Jimmy Carter, Lincoln Chafee.


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