Thursday, November 09, 2006

DVD Review: "Kissology, Vol. 1 - 1974-1977" (2006)

Arguably the most influential American rock group of all time has unleashed the first of three DVD sets chronicling their career. This volume documents their rise from an edgy, risk-taking New York-based melange of the Beatles, Sabbath and Alice Cooper in the early years to global cultural phenomenon by the mid-to-late 1970s.

Over six hours of live performances, TV appearances and other nuggets of the band's first four years are provided here in raw, gritty, unpolished glory. Of the shows that are provided (San Francisco '75, Detroit '76, Tokyo '77, Houston '77 and a bonus disc of their first performance at Madison Square Garden in '76), my favourite is the San Francisco one, even though it's all black and white, because the band is so damned hungry. Also, the material was a little stronger at that stage as during the post-Destroyer period, things got a little spotty at times.

Other impressions? Gene Simmons' stage presence is almost without equal, and Peter Criss was actually a pretty good drummer before he got lazy and the drugs took over.

Priced at less than $20, even casual fans of the band can't go wrong with this. I can't wait for volume II which is going to document both probably Kiss' most prolific album overall (Dynasty) and the beginning of the booze-fuelled, ego-driven train wreck that led to the demise of the original lineup.

Easily one of the top music DVDs in my collection along with the Zeppelin set, the Priest "Electric Eye" title and Robbie Williams' "I Know What You Did Last Summer".

Overall rating: 10/10


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