Thursday, February 23, 2006

Cambridge chickens come home to roost

This week, Harvard president and former Clinton Secretary of the Treasury Larry Summers effectively got booted from his job. He was pressured into resigning because he dared make the groundbreaking observation that perhaps there are innate differences between men and women which may explain why math and engineering faculties are mostly comprised of male professors (you mean it might be something other than sexism?!?). He also didn't acede to the insistence of some faculty members who said that the university should divest itself of all holdings in companies who do business in Israel. Finally, he suggested that black prof Cornel West wasn't working hard enough - obviously a no-no, too.

I see a lot of ironies here. Summers' former colleague and ex-VP Al Gore (D) recently went to Saudi Arabia and crapped all over the US for allegedly rounding up Arabs indiscriminately, claiming it was just one of many examples of racism and abuse targeted at Americans of Middle Eastern descent. The hard left wing of the Democratic party loves that type of talk, as ridiculous as it may be. They love it almost as much as they abhor any suggestion that men and women are indeed different and may have different orientations towards various kinds of careers. It's that type of nonsensical thinking that dominates among the feminist wing of Summers' party. It's also the type of thinking that promotes the fallacy that two parents of either gender will do as good a job raising a child as a mother and a father, which is the latest cause celebre among the more extremely liberal wing of the Democratic party these days. (Who needs fatherhood anyways?) In other words, the usual Israel-bashers, gender warriors, blame-America-firsters, discrimination-claiming whiners and identity politics players that comprise a significant part of the Democratic base has eaten one of their own.

I wonder what Hillary thinks. In fact, I think I probably know what she thinks, which is that Summers' firing is beyond foolish. Sad part is, I suspect she's too chicken shit to say it.


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