Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Just another day in Trudeaupia

Rather large stink this morning after a sick unilingual English-speaking Ontario woman was told she was basically SOL when she went to a French-speaking community health clinic to get in touch with her doctor, who was filling in there.

Essentially, she was told that people who don't speak French can't get the health care services they need at the clinic in question. Both the clinic's administrator and the Ontario government have defended the French-only policy.

Click on the link above for details.

Now imagine, if you possibly could, that there was a similar clinic in the province of Quebec (as if), where only English-speakers were allowed to get treatment. If a sick unilingual franco went to try and speak to their doctor who was filling in there, and was told "Sorry, English only" (again, as if), the PQ would jump 10% in the polls overnight, and the CBC, Toronto Star and Globe and Mail would all be lecturing the country.

No doubt the federal Liberals and federal Conservatives are going to speak out against his egregious breach of the principle of portability as enshrined in the Canada Health Act.

As if.


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