Sunday, January 01, 2006

The chickens are on their way home

To me, the biggest non-story of 2005 was the whole Valerie Plame-Joseph Wilson debacle where playing hardball with one's politically-motivated opponents was apparently enough to indict the US Vice-President's Chief of Staff. Now, as James Taranto of the Wall Street Journal points out, we're about to see if the Times will be as pro-special investigator with the wiretap story as they were with Plamegate, especially considering that any probe would most likely mean that one of their own would be subpoenaed once again. Unfortunately for the Times, the media is not above the law, despite their own delusions to the contrary.

To me, the real story is this: a probe would more than likely prove that there are indeed renegade elements in the intel community who want to undermine the White House. Isn't that exactly what the Administration said Plamegate was all about in the first place?


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