Thursday, December 29, 2005

A little rich

Former Minister of Non-White, Non-Male and Non-Anglophone Affairs (Canadian Heritage) Sheila Copps writes the following in today's Toronto Sun in reference to the Mike Klander blog controversy:

His blog struck me as stunning in its ignorance. No depth there, simply hate. Martin good, everyone else bad.

He mocks the facial disfigurements of former PM Jean Chretien, as well as Canada's first elected quadriplegic, Tory MP Steven Fletcher. He refers to one of Canada's first elected Muslim MPs as "ethnic" Rahim Jaffer. He makes what I view as misogynistic and homophobic comments in many entries.

What is even more amazing was the reaction this week by Martin spokesman Stephen Heckbert. He downplayed Klander's comments because they were on a blog: "Partisan blogs get a little heated, especially around election time. You'd see some language that might curl your hair."

If that is the language the Martin Liberals expect to see in print in a pre-election blog, what do they say in private?

I wonder whether it would even occur to the Martin backroom boys that there was anything wrong with the Chow-Chow "separated at birth" posting -- more likely, they would pass it around, smirking at anyone who did not get it.

The same backroom boys use the race card when it will play well for them. "Trade one Sikh candidate for a Ukrainian as long as it will get votes and keep them quiet," is a view I have actually heard expressed by a key Martin organizer.

In today's party machine, non-white voters are viewed as commodities, to be traded for seats which will guarantee a majority. The only difference in the Klander blog is that the public actually found out.

Do the words "pot", "kettle" and "black" come to mind for anyone?


At 9:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What the F? Not to the blogger but about the man in question...

At 8:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Goodale goes down, Pettigrew gets mugged.. It's the Ides of March!

At 2:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What I love is how smug those guys were when the Evil Reptillian Kitten Eater came out. What goes around comes around.

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