Thursday, January 19, 2006


Now this is some good stuff.

"Boomershoot is an annual pyrotechnic event held in North Central Idaho, where precision rifle shooters aim at exploding targets. When a target is hit, the result is a big, satisfying “Kaboom!

...From all over the continent people come to shoot at targets containing half a ton of explosives. They feel the earth move when their bullet hits its mark 700 yards away. At the end of the day they move in close for the bone jarring, teeth rattling clean up."

As John Hawkins over at RightWingNews says, "Firing guns at targets that explode? Add in some chips, dips, a half dozen different flavors of chicken wings, and some attractive women wearing bikinis who do backrubs on the people waiting to shoot and I'm not sure it could get much better than that for guys..."

In the words of the great Stone Cold Steve Austin, "Gimme a hell yeah!"


At 6:50 PM, Blogger Road Hammer said...

That is f'ng great. Let's go.

Did you get in a lot of trouble for pulling that stunt?


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