Tuesday, December 06, 2005

This is the most laughably ridiculous comment that I've seen in the campaign so far

University dropout Belinda Stronach has inferred that she believes Stephen Harper would happily break up Canada for political gain, and also that she shares company with the likes of Wilfrid Laurier, Winston Churchill and Ariel Sharon.

The Bloc had 37 seats before sponsorship. Now, they are at their zenith. And Stronach says that it's Harper who is the one playing games with national unity?

Just how desperate is this gang of Liberals? First Nazism and now this?

As for the second suggestion, that is just beyond comment.

In my eyes, she has just lost any shred of legitimacy or credibility that she ever had to begin with.

(For a more sophisticated discussion of national unity and the federal election campaign, see here.)


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