9/11 Commission co-chairs Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton have found that the United States government is still not properly prepared for a terrorist attack. Problems include such basic priorities as the interoperability of communications equipment. Also contributing to the inadequacy is the fact that Department of Homeland Security dollars are not allocated by Congress based on
any kind of risk formula.
One has to wonder how we're doing here in Canada. Amid talk of multi-billion dollar programs for day care centres, can we be sure that we have properly dealt with the first, most fundamental responsibility of government - which is to keep its citizens secure?
I'm not sure we have.
If the forces of government would focus on getting security right instead of getting into things like the raising of children, there wouldn't be Fifth Estate docs on how shabby it is in the first place.
If the government would better prioritize, the air security system would be a lot less porous.
Day care programs, etc., etc., should come a distant second to the fundamental responsibility of security.
I agree with Danny Kaye. Keeping day care within provincial jurisdiction was one of the items on my list of 30 policy proposals that I think would improve Canada (posted a couple of weeks back ... check the archives).
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