Sunday digest

Let me guess ... Rove and his buddies in the Jewish neo-con cabal must have put some college Republicans up to this in order to discredit the anti-war movement, right?
- Suggesting that American society is on the verge of propogating a second Holocaust against Muslims (even as scarved grocery store workers in Minnesota are refusing to scan pork products), Jimmy Carter's national security advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski demonstrates here why we should all hope that he has no place in an incoming Democratic White House, especially with Mahmoud Ahmedinejad of Iran taking liberties once again. (Interestingly, by some accounts , Ahmedinejad is reported to have participated in the hostage crisis of 1979-80, which led in part to the ouster of Brzezinski's boss from the Oval Office and the ushering in of the Reagan era.)
- From the "with friends like this" file we have Tarek Fatah, communications director of the Muslim Canadian Congress. As I alluded to in yesterday's Digest, Fatah recently received death threats for speaking out against Islamic extremism. However, with comments like this - "It is ironic that Muslim extremists are portraying themselves as anti-imperialist, when in fact Al-Qaeda and the Taliban are nothing more but a creation of the CIA" - issued by Fatah after the arrest of the Toronto 17 last summer - one has to wonder just how level-headed he really is.
- The Quebec election campaign is coming to a close, and Liberal party leader Jean Charest is pleading for a majority because, as he said yesterday, "(a) minority government would limit our bargaining power with the rest of Canada".
So we have a separatist party in the PQ, a quasi-separatist party in the ADQ, and a federalist party in the Liberals who sees Canada as something to be bargained with? Comments like this especially sting after this week's open bribe of Quebec by Stephen Harper, which followed this winter's "nation within a nation" debate, which followed over a generation's worth of pandering by Ottawa ... I could go on. My point is, it would be refreshing if, for once, the electorate in la belle province could be appealed to on the basis of something more than how much cash they can wring out of the federal government.
- As capitalism spreads, quality of life increases as well. See here for some statistical proof.
- Dog owners who treat their pets like human beings have long amused me, so I found this story of a silly woman in Ottawa who ate tainted dog food for two weeks in an effort to convince Rover that it was "people food" quite funny.
What an idiot.
"As capitalism spreads, quality of life increases as well"
Insane in the membrane.
A well though out rebuke anonymous.
skeelo is actually the film actor skeet ulrich. go figure.
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