Friday, December 15, 2006

Friday digest

- A new EU/World Bank study suggests that carbon dioxide emissions from cow farts are more responsible for climate change than are emissions caused by transportation, further proving that although climate change is definitely happening, we're still a long way off from knowing for certain what the major causes are and how to tackle them.

One thing's for sure ... I'm not expecting a lot of tree-hugging vegans to start firing up their barbecues all of a sudden to reduce the numbers of bomb-dropping bovines grazing in pastures the world over.

- Quote of the day today comes from Farzana Hassan, President of the Muslim Canadian Congress, who, in reference to a Toronto judge recently ordering a Christmas tree out of a courthouse lobby, said "(w)e should ban political correctness, not the Christmas tree".

More here on this case of another misguided and presumptuous liberal do-gooder.

- Better late than never: Condi says no to playing ball with Iran and Syria, and it looks like they're going to go big.

- Ontario CUPE president Sid Ryan is still mad that Israel won the 1967 war (not that it explains this, but why should that be important?).

No doubt the bus drivers, nurses, janitors and other middle-class working stiffs that Ryan represents are losing sleep over Israel, too.

- Has anyone caught the twenty-year old "Sturdy Danny McGee was up his 59th tree" Raisin Bran commercial that is running on radio and TV these days?

Here's hoping that the Lillydale chef and Ron Popeil of "Set It and Forget It" fame are resurrected in time for Christmas 2026.


At 11:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw the Raisin Bran commercial and I thought it was great. I wonder if, like North American auto makers, we'll start seeing advertising agencies rolling out vintage commercials to compensate for their creative incapacity. We'll no doubt be seeing Jay applying ketchup to one fry at a time and Mikey eating Life cereal.

At 1:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

They already recycled the Jay add, with his growp up self intermixed.

I actually remember the Danny McGee commercial from the mid-80s! Watching it between the Droids and Ewoks cartoons.

At 1:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Should have been "grown" not "growp"

At 8:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the Atlantic Ocean is splashing up on the sea-side town of North Bay, Ontario, and it's 40-degrees celsius in the middle of January, I'm still not setting down my cheeseburger and fries.

At 8:46 AM, Blogger Road Hammer said...

Of course it's happening - what's less certain is why. Not only cow farts but the recent downgrade by the UN re: how much man-made activity contributes to climate change demonstrates that it's premature to conclude what the causes are.

What shocks me is that you can't see past the conservative caricatures offered up by the fake news when recognizing that a free-marketeer like me would even say such a thing.

Well done on the "Blame America First" hypothesis, by the way.


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