Saturday digest
- The executive summary of the Iraq Study Group report can best be described in one word: naive.
That said, it looks like a shift in strategy is apparent, while an agreement on oil revenue distribution in Iraq has been tentatively reached.
All is not lost.
- Watch Somalia.
- A leading European social democratic politician has declared that newcomers to his country should either love it or leave it.
You get three guesses as to who said it, and the first two don't count.
Could you imagine a Canadian leader saying the same thing?
- The UN has admitted that they're not sure how much effect human activity has on global warming. Doesn't that show a little skepticism may be in order on this issue? It's clear that global warming is happening, but it's quite unclear just how much we have to do with it. In other words, it may just be cyclical.
- Jeane Kirkpatrick, Ronald Reagan's ambassador to the UN, has passed away. The Wall St. Journal euologizes her here, while here's a copy of the article that vaunted her into the Administration. Meanwhile, one of her contemporaries, but on the side of the aisle which she left during the 1970s, is losing a lot of friends these days.
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