Thursday, October 26, 2006

Thursday digest

- In the opinion of a leading Muslim cleric from Oz, if you're a woman who doesn't cover your head, you're inviting sexual assault. In the past, this same cleric has also suggested that sleeveless apparel on women is "satanical".

I've often wondered about what the majority of Muslims in the West, who are led by such individuals, really think about our society and culture. This is another example of the need for "moderates" to demonstrate that they are, in fact, moderate by speaking out against such nonsense instead of bullying individuals like this Swedish legislator of Somali origin into submission for daring to engage in frank, against the grain discussion.

- On that note, one woman's experience with the veil, here.

- A look at how a coup in Iran could proceed, here.

- Why is the Canadian Ambassador to the US wasting his time with this? It doesn't deserve to be taken seriously. Protesting a ridiculously partisan Senate attack ad from Tennessee of all places makes us look like the snivelling younger sibling who so desperately wants the seal of approval from the big bro rather than the proud and independent nation we are (or at least, should aspire to be).

- Finally, thumbs up to Justin Trudeau today for urging Quebecers to get over their provincialism and stop looking inward for a change. Shades of Michaelle Jean's "briser les solitudes" plea, which I'm all for. If one looks beyond le fleuve St. Laurent, there's a big ol' world out there.


At 2:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding the Swedish palrlament member Nyamko Sabuni.

She's neither from Somalia (she's christian from somewhere in west africa), and her ideas of banning the muslim headscarf and circumsison-checks on girls are certainly not the party policy.

It's her personal political platform trying to gather votes from racist people who would not otherwise give her their votes.

Neither her party, other goverment ministers, and certainly not the PM support her ideas!

FP voter
(FP = Sabuni's party)

At 9:56 AM, Blogger Road Hammer said...

I stand corrected ... Sabuni isn't from Somalia (I was confusing her with Ayaan Hirsi Ali) but the article says Sabuni is from Burundi.


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