Sunday, September 10, 2006

Sunday digest

- I'd like to acknowledge the career of the toughest chick to ever grace a wrestling ring, and that's Canada's own Trish Stratus, pictured above. Tonight in Toronto, Trish will perform in the squared circle one last time before "retiring" and getting married on September 30. I expect we haven't seen the last of her, but rasslin' fans the world over will miss her energy, passion and drive to entertain. Thumbs up, Trish!

- Part II of Robert Sibley's series in the Ottawa Citizen, here.

- Shirley Douglas, mother of Kiefer and daughter of Tommy, allegedly said the following at the NDP convention yesterday:

"If I had a religion, it was the CCF."

You gotta wonder how many other lefties go to bed every night praying to Che Guevara or some other false deity asking for their souls to be delivered by socialistic salvation.

So much for the separation of church and state.

- Another slip by the forces of peace, tolerance and open-mindedness: Gord Downie of the Tragically Hip last night in Stratford, asking “Here’s one for President Harper and Prime Minister Bush . . . anybody want a gun?” I suppose non-violent dialogue is only reserved for jihadists.

- While on the topic of double-standards, here's a golden one from Canada's state-owned media conglomerate.

- Mark Steyn is in fine form on Sept. 10.

- I don't hate Bill Clinton in the least. Honestly, I don't. But I have to ask: has the guy taken responsibility for ANYTHING in his entire life?

- Hey, rednecks! Are you paying attention? The reining king and queen of the tabloids say they won't get married till everyone can. You better be listenin', then. As Daimnation! says, "Kneel before Brangelina".


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