Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Rock Star: Supernova Week X

It will come as no surprise to regular readers of the Hammer that I strenuously disagree with the band's decision to send Storm home tonight. I think it should have been Dilana, the Drama Queen, who continued to unravel this week as evidenced by her refusal to move past the events of two weeks ago. Her embarassing, schoolgirl tripe at the songwriting clinic was farcical and her refusal to allow Lukas to sing "Behind Blue Eyes" was absolutely pathetic. Even more unacceptable was the fact that she admittedly had only heard the Limp Bizkit version rather than the immortal version by original artists The Who.

As for Storm, although she got the boot, I think that could be the best thing that ever happened to this girl. Now, she has both fame AND creative liscence, which is more than the winner of Rock Star will be able to say. Storm Large is a star on so many levels that I can't even begin to describe it. Just ask Dave Navarro - he'll tell you. Although I was hoping for more from her original, and the choice of "Wish You Were Here" tonight was sappy, we have not heard the last of her, that's for certain, and I am a big, big fan.

"Lazy" Lukas did the bare minimum for the songwriting clinic and also played the same tune on consecutive nights, a tribute to his mom titled "Headspin". (Is that because he couldn't be bothered to learn a new song, my brilliant wife asked? I have to wonder.) Although he has grown on me, the reason I don't like this guy is because he's more a yeller than a singer. His version of "Livin' On a Prayer" was lacking, especially in comparison to my own version (ahem) which won me first prize in a Cancun karoake contest four-and-a-half years ago (complete with two female backing singers, one from Wyoming and the other from Montana). Loved the spiked gloves, though - could that have been a tribute to the Metal God himself?

Magni? I think that the vanilla Supernova original we heard tonight was a perfect fit for him. This guy is very capable, but that's about it for me, and capable just won't cut it. The track sounded like a Goo Goo Dolls B-side, and that probably suits Magni just fine.

Finally, Toby. This guy has come into his own over the last few weeks because he's let go, like he said, and that's excellent. You just gotta be you if you want to connect with the audience and have them accept your performance as the real thing. The original track he did would sell tons, and I think that at the end of the day, it's between him and Lukas for next week's crown.

(By the way, the idea of Gilby Clarke leading a songwriting clinic? Please. I'm surprised that wasn't more of a torn-down train wreck than it was.)


At 12:08 PM, Blogger Road Hammer said...

There's no doubt that Storm will feature prominently in the inevitable "Girls of Rock Star" Playboy spread.


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