Friday, September 15, 2006

Friday digest II

- As he is burned in effigy, Muslim leaders the world over are calling for the Pope to apologize for engaging in such offensive practices as theological analysis and debate.

No one should be surprised that the campaign of intimidation and illiberalism is continuing, but if there's one institution I have complete confidence in to NOT bow down before the intolerance of Islamism, it's the Church.

I would be very surprised if he takes back his remarks, and comparisons to Hitler are just going to make Catholics dig their heels in even more as this firestorm burns.

(I know. I am one.)

- Now here's a rogue's gallery if there ever was one. All you who romanticize Cuba under Castro and Venezuela under Chavez, look at the company they keep (Mugabe and Ahmedinejad).

Like one of the boys at the rubber factory used to always say, "birds of a feather will shit together".

- On that note, Belindy and Tie Domi are bumpin' uglies.

As if we needed further proof that this woman has TERRIBLE taste in men. (H/T: Skeelo.)

- Decorated geo-political expert Sean Penn thinks Iraq was just a ploy by the Bush administration to cover up Enron (uh, how, exactly?), that the Administration has "devastated our democracy" (it's always the person on the losing side who is the first to scream "anti-democratic"), and that the military needs to be rebuilt (as over 64,000 men and women have re-enlisted).

It's quite telling when a guy talking like this is considered one of the more reasonable voices of the Hollywood left.


At 9:19 AM, Blogger greenchief said...

I'd be curious to learn if Tie Domi's ex-wife thinks he's a "softie," after he dragged her out of a washroom by her hair in a Winnipeg bar a few years back.

At 2:35 PM, Blogger Road Hammer said...

Like his fans, that Tie is a bit of a knuckle-dragger.


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