Friday, April 28, 2006

Friday digest

- As Peter Howell of the Toronto Star points out, with the release of "United 93", thinking people of all political stripes now have an alternative to the sophomoric and juvenile character assassinations described as documentaries by those who peddle themselves off as serious commentators.

- Looks like the drive to implement sharia law has come to Sweden. Separate swimming lessons for kids based on Islamic teachings? Putting that aside, how about asking Islamists to sponsor their own segregated swimming lessons instead of getting government to provide them? (However, this is Sweden we're talking about, where the government not only takes care of you from cradle to grave, or from womb to tomb, but from erection to resurrection.)

- It looks like there is a move afoot to try to take the edge out of Quebec history lessons by watering down anti-English undertones. I'll believe it when I see it. The unions will quash this first chance they get because bashing the Anglais, asti, is the surest way to create a dyed in the wool Pequiste from a healthy young age.

- If Al Gore is this unhinged in public, one has to wonder what he says in private. The guy makes David Suzuki look like the voice of environmental reason.


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