Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Who knew?

Did you know that global warming affects African-Americans more than caucasians? Did you also know that African-Americans emit less Co2 than caucasians do?

BET says so here.

No word if the network is looking into comparisons of how global warming affects Americans of Latino, Asian, East Indian or Native American descent, or if they're only interested in comparing people with black skin and those with "white".

You get where I'm going with this. An adversarial point of view that sees society in terms of "versus" is not reflective of the multicultural, varied, and global flavour of North America today, whether that thinking is "black vs. white" in the US or "French vs. English" in Canada.

Anyways, shouldn't we be compiling data on how climate change affects people based on their status as individual human beings instead of based on their skin colour?


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