Thursday, December 21, 2006

Thursday digest

- Pope Benedict says that it's important that Christmas be defended.

I couldn't agree more.

- Now this is some great stuff.

The Prime Minister of Canada, Stephen Harper, has referred to Hamas and Hezbollah as "genocidal" and about Afghanistan, he said "I couldn't care less if the opposition brings me down and defeats me in an election over this ... I have to do what I think is right for the long-term security interest of this country and right for the men and women who have put themselves on the line."

Compare that to the qualifications made by previous Prime Ministers when discussing Islamofascism, including one in particular who, on the one-year anniversary of the tragedy, subtly inferred that the US had 9/11 coming to them.

- A quarter of a million individuals were not properly screened in October at Toronto's Pearson International Airport because of a labour dispute. The story is getting international attention and will certainly not help our reputation as Canadians when it comes to our commitment to thwarting terrorists. Shame on those disgruntled individuals in both management and on the front lines working at Pearson who sacrificed the security of the travelling public during this disagreement.

Click the link for more.

- Meanwhile, British authorities are expecting an attack over the holidays while one-half of the duo who are key to stability in the region, if you listen to the Iraq Study Group report, says that both the US and Britain, along with Israel, will eventually disappear.

As for the other half? They're no doubt hard at work getting to the bottom of this.

- The fact that Clinton-era National Security Advisor Sandy Berger showed a distinct lack of judgment regarding top secret documents is a matter of public record, but never before has it been revealed that he went so far as to climb into garbage cans and underneath construction trailers to attempt to retrieve them.

It's also been suggested that Berger's sneakiness may have impeded the work of the 9/11 Commission.

I'm sure can expect the usual outrage from the mainstream media on this, even if they aren't as biased as many conservatives may think (as Rich Lowry admits). However, in Canada, our public broadcaster still shows "Bowling for Columbine" twice a month so I'm certainly not expecting it to be mentioned on any national newscasts up here.

- Although W is not exactly standing tall these days, it shouldn't be forgotten that responsibility for violence in Iraq should be worn by those who carry it out.

- Dershowitz says that the worst ex-President in history, Jimmy Carter, said that the Israel-Palestine conflict is worse than Rwanda.


- Finally, can't say I'm a big fan of "The Donald" but I'm even less a fan of Rosie O'Donnell. Hopefully picking a fight with Trump will teach her a much-needed lesson about her bad habit of either a) sticking her nose in other people's business or b) shooting her mouth off week after week after week.

- ADDENDUM: Not sure how this guy can be painted as intolerant, but it's going to be interesting to see people try.


At 8:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hammer, you're so right about defending Christmas. It is astounding to me how secular this holiday has become - a great example is the type of Christmas cards I have received. Thus far, my family has received 10 cards. 4 of them have absolutely no reference to Christmas. Only 1 has a picture of the infant Jesus or his family. Only half of them have the word Christmas printed anywhere on it.
Is this beautiful holiday about snowy forests or snowmen????
Lets make a real effort to bring Christianity back into Christmas. We should not be afraid to say the words "Merry Christmas". We are Christians and this is our wonderful feast day - we must make sure to defend it so that it will still be a holiday for future generations of Christians to enjoy.


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