Thursday, June 01, 2006

Thursday digest

- What do you think these guys were doing videotaping Toronto's subway system?

- If public health care costs are growing at twice the rate of growth in revenue, we're going to eventually hit the wall. When is the Canadian establishment going to get real and allow for a frank and thorough discussion on this issue?

- It can't be good to be a Liberal these days when even the Toronto Star's lead political columnist is calling the Grits a "once-great party that's now little more than a vehicle for the grotesquely ambitious".

Nothing new there.

- In their mad quest to make everyone exactly the same and eliminate any potential for hardship or difficulty in life, Sweden's socialists have proposed - wait for it - banning homework up to the age of 16. (HT: G n R.)

- Memo to the Left: you consistently fall short of victory because you can't resist insulting the very people that you need bring over to your side. Readers will agree, I'm sure, that no matter what stance you take on the issues, it's intellectually lazy to dismiss all those who take the conservative position on bilingual education and gay marriage as simply "hateful" (but why engage in thoughtful and respectful debate with your opponent when you can just call them names, right?)

While it's true that some come to their point of view because of nativism or intolerance, many come to it following much reasoned consideration, like this piece from a couple of gentlemen who know a thing or two about "hate".

- What's with Condi sitting down with Iran? As I've said, it legitimizes and gives credibility to the regime, which, as the article I've linked to points out, can be nothing but discouraging for its internal opponents who rely on American moral support. No wonder that the English-language house organ of the European capitals is applauding.


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