Friday, April 21, 2006

Friday digest

- According to the Toronto Star, fobbing your infant children off on complete strangers so you have time to take care of things at the office is now a parental "right". One has to ask, if civil servants lazy, disconnected and overpaid, why would we want them looking after the kids? After all, that's what publicly-funded daycare providers really are at the end of the day - government workers.

- On that note, while it's true that there's a lot of redundancy in the civil service (for instance, I blogged recently about how there are over 80 programs dedicated to climate change government-wide), isn't it also true that if the federal government was more focused and limited itself to a few key priorities - administering criminal justice, the legal system, regulating trade, securing the border, and national defence - the cream would rise to the top?

- In a typically Red Tory performance, former PM Brian Mulroney seems to have bought into the global warming hysteria. We shouldn't have expected anything better, I suppose.

- 9/11 co-conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui had a rough childhood, so we're supposed to go easy on him for wanting to murder infidels.

Gimme a break.

- Great interview here about life in the Ivy League.


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