Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Tuesday morning digest

- The Houston Chronicle says Russia is not to be trusted. I wholeheartedly agree. If the right-wing Frenchman Nicolas Sarkozy acedes to power next year in France, watch for Russia to take France's place as the new burr under the American saddle.

- What a jerk:

It also claims that, in March 1993, while Hillary Clinton was away from the White House looking after her dying father in Arkansas, Miss Streisand spent the night at the White House. The following morning the President hosted a press conference with scratch marks on his neck and face.

White House insiders say the couple were overheard having a furious argument and she could be heard screaming: "For Christ's sake, Bill. I'm down there with my dying father and you're up here with Barbra...I mean, did she have to stay overnight?"

- For those who are interested in inside Ottawa baseball, this shows that the relationship between the PMO and the press gallery is going to get a hell of a lot worse before it gets better.


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