Monday, November 28, 2005

That's it

Well, Parliament has just dissolved.

At this stage of the game, I am either going to vote Conservative or spoil my ballot. Here's why.

Although I know there are a lot of good, right-leaning Liberals, I cannot bring myself to vote for the party of linguistic and ethnic preferences when it comes to hiring in the civil service, not to mention everything else that comes along with voting for the party of Trudeaupia.

As for the Tories, I think that they have totally watered themselves down and in so doing have not shown a lot of courage or leadership. If I wanted to support a party that straddles the centre, I'd vote Liberal. Moreover, I don't think that there is enough professionalism or competence in that party to outright win my support. That being said, if they put the conservative back into the Conservative party during the campaign, I'll be back on board.

Spoiling my ballot? Well, it still counts as a vote, but for "none of the above". That's the best way to go at this point.


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